

First and foremost our designs are developed to achieve our client’s objectives. For most clients this will be a gradual process building on the previous knowledge and decisions as a project moves through the steady build up of understanding and commitment.

That does not diminish the opportunity to challenge design assumptions where necessary to establish a winning design, either through competitive dialogue or internal review. The rigor provided by commercial competition keeps our designs honed and keen. We build the team to suit the project, drawing on our experience and understanding of the key issues and constraints.

Our engineers do not work in isolation and usually we have highway, rail, geotechnical and environmental teams to work alongside us.

We are used to a team approach on complex and high value projects and the ability to form cooperative and constructive project teams are a core value that is part of the Neclivis ethos. Understanding what is important to the client is also fundamental and we seek to establish this from day one.

But simply understanding the constraints and requirements is not enough. We strive to get to the winning idea or alternative approach that will provide a competitive edge and put our solutions ahead of the pack. The opportunity may often be in minimizing material quantities, but a wider view is always taken to investigate other factors such as construction techniques or the use of innovative materials.

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